District Departments » Business Services » Risk Management

Risk Management


Risk and Safety Manager
Nancy Gutierrez, M.A., CSRM
(626) 931-3022
[email protected]
Mission Statement and Goals for the Bassett USD Risk Management Department

Providing a safe environment for our valued students and staff is a priority throughout the district.
Our mission is to serve and to provide guidance and resources in the areas of safety and risk
management. Being proactive and responsive is a vital way to maintain our goals.
It is our priority to manage risks by reducing the frequency, severity, and associated areas and
costs of any claims.
The district is a member of the Alliance for Schools Cooperative Insurance Program (ASCIP) Joint
Powers Authority (JPA), and Keenan/Southern California Risk (SCR) Joint Powers Authority
(JPA). The Risk Manager is a member of the Society of Certified School Risk Managers (CSRM).
Risk Management also participates with other school districts, community colleges, charter
schools and other joint power authorities statewide in roundtables to work together on ways to
prevent injuries, monitor safety related trends, and to minimize any possible associated liabilities.

Injury Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) 
Employee Injury Resources
Student Voluntary Insurance
Work Place Violence Prevention Plan