Notice to Bidders/Invitation to Bid
Notice is hereby given that the governing board (“Board”) of the BASSETT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (“District”) will receive sealed bids to construct the following project:
Contractors must submit sealed bids on or before 12:00p.m., November 25th, 2024, at the District Office, located at 904 N. Willow Avenue, La Puente, California 91746, at or after which time the District will open the bids and publicly read them aloud. Any claim by a Bidder of error in its bid must be made in compliance with Public Contract Code § 5100, et seq. Any bid that is submitted after this time shall be non-responsive and returned to the Bidder. The District is not responsible for Bids that are received after the deadline noted above.
The Project consists of:
The following scope of work includes but is not limited to sealcoat and re-stripping of existing accessible parking spaces. The installation of new parking lot lights and concrete bases and the installation of new eight-foot-high chain link fencing and gates.
Notice is hereby given that the governing board (“Board”) of the BASSETT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (“District”) will receive sealed bids to construct the following project:
Contractors must submit sealed bids on or before 12:00p.m., November 25th, 2024, at the District Office, located at 904 N. Willow Avenue, La Puente, California 91746, at or after which time the District will open the bids and publicly read them aloud. Any claim by a Bidder of error in its bid must be made in compliance with Public Contract Code § 5100, et seq. Any bid that is submitted after this time shall be non-responsive and returned to the Bidder. The District is not responsible for Bids that are received after the deadline noted above.
The Project consists of:
The following scope of work includes but is not limited to resurfacing existing parking lot; installing
new parking lot lights on concrete bases; installing new eight-foot-high chain link fencing and gates.
Bassett Unified School District is seeking prequalification for General Contractors interested in bidding the upcoming Bassett High School Aquatic Center. To be eligible to bid on this project contractors must be prequalified, prequalification applications must be received by Bassett Unified School District, ATTN. Maricela Barba, CBO, 904 N Willow Ave, La Puente CA 91746, 2:00 P.M. on September 29, 2023.
The Bassett High School Aquatics Center project consists of the Construction of new pool, pool deck, pool equipment and restroom building, canopies, and fixed bleachers. Sports light poles. Site utilities and infrastructure in support of the pool, as indicated. Site improvements as indicated.
Prequalification applications will be available on or about August 30, 2023, at the district website. To download the application from www.bassettusd.org, Click on Departments, Business Services, Click on RFP/RFQ/Bids at the right side of the page. Downloads are available at no charge.
PUBLICATION DATES: September 5, 2023, and September 12, 2023 Newspaper: San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Notice is hereby given that the governing board (“Board”) of the BASSETT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (“District”) will receive sealed bids to construct the following project:
Contractors must submit sealed bids on or before 2:00 PM, August 4, 2023, at the District Office, located at__904 N. Willow Avenue, La Puente, California 91746, at or after which time the District will open the bids and publicly read them aloud. Any claim by a Bidder of error in its bid must be made in compliance with Public Contract Code § 5100, et seq. Any bid that is submitted after this time shall be non-responsive and returned to the Bidder. The District is not responsible for Bids that are received after the deadline noted above.
The Project consists of:
The Bassett High School Aquatics Center Project consist of the demolition and abatement of hazardous materials of the existing pool, pool building, deck, fencing, pool equipment, restroom building, canopies, bleachers, light poles and appurtenances.
All bids shall be on the form provided by the District. Each bid must conform and be responsive to all pertinent Contract Documents, including, but not limited to, the Instructions to Bidders.
To bid on this Project, the Bidder is required to possess one or more of the following State of California Contractor Licenses:
A or B
C22 if self-performing the abatement.The Bidder's license(s) must be active and in good standing at the time of the bid opening and must remain so throughout the term of the Contract.
As security for its Bid, each Bidder shall provide with its Bid form
a bid bond issued by an admitted surety insurer on the form provided by the District,
cash, or
a cashier's check or a certified check, drawn to the order of the BASSETT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT,
in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid price. This bid security shall be a guarantee that the Bidder shall, within seven (7) calendar days after the date of the Notice of Award, enter into a contract with the District for the performance of the services as stipulated in the bid.
The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a 100% Performance Bond and a 100% Payment Bond if it is awarded the contract for the Project.
The successful Bidder may substitute securities for any monies withheld by the District to ensure performance under the Contract, in accordance with the provisions of Public Contract Code § 22300.
The successful Bidder and its subcontractors shall pay all workers on the Project not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work as determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, State of California, for the type of work performed and the locality in which the work is to be performed within the boundaries of the District, pursuant to Labor Code § 1770 et seq. Prevailing wage rates are on file with the District and are available to any interested party on request or at www.dir.ca.gov/oprl/statistics_and_databases.html. Bidders and Bidders’ subcontractors shall comply with the registration and qualification requirements pursuant to Labor Code §§ 1725.5 & 1771.1
A mandatory pre-bid conference and site visit will be held on July 17, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. at 755 Ardilla Ave, La Puente, California 91746. All prospective Bidders are required to sign in. The Site Visit is expected to take approximately 2 hours. Failure to attend or tardiness will render bid ineligible.
Contract Documents are available on July 10, 2023, for review at the District website, www.bassettusd.org/bids and at the Facilities Office.
Contract Documents are also available for purchase for $ N/A dollars at the District Facilities Office. This fee is refundable if the Contract Documents are returned in clean condition to the District Facilities Office no later than ten (10) calendar days after the date of the bid opening.
The District’s Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or waive any irregularity in any bid received. If the District awards the Contract, the security of unsuccessful Bidder(s) shall be returned within sixty (60) days from the time the award is made. Unless otherwise required by law, no Bidder may withdraw its bid for ninety (90) days after the date of the bid opening.
The District shall award the Contract, if it awards it at all, to the lowest responsive responsible Bidder based on: The base bid amount only.
These are the important dates that are included in the document:
- Advertising
- July 10, 2023
- July 17, 2023
- Job Walk
- July 17, 2023 @ 9:00am at the school
- RFI Deadline
- July 24, 2023 @ 3:00pm via email
- Bid Date
- August 4, 2023 @ 2:00pm at the District Office
- Notice of Award
- August 22, 2023
- August 28, 2023
- Project Completion
- October 29, 2023
Request for Qualifications/Proposals Issued: March 13, 2023
Deadline for Firms to Submit Questions: March 23, 2023
District to Publish Responses to Questions: March 31, 2023
Response to Request for Qualifications: April 11, 2023
Final Proposal/Qualifications: April 28, 2023
Interested Firms must submit RFQ Responses, via email, to Sarine Abrahamian [email protected] and
Tempestt Garland [email protected]. ALL RFQ/P RESPONSES MUST BE RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE 5:00 PM on April 11, 2023. Specify “RFQ/P for Bassett Child Development Program / School– [Firm Name] – RFQ Response” in the subject line.
RFP 22.23-006 2023-03-13 Bassett USD-RFQP-Bassett Child Development School
Q&A section
Erate Year 25 (2022-2023) Category 2
Bassett Unified School District
904 N. Willow Ave., La Puente, California 91746
December 15, 2022
The Bassett Unified School District (“District”) invites your firm (“Firm”) to provide a detailed proposal (“Proposal”) pursuant to this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) to provide DISTRICT EDGE AND CORE NETWORK SWITCHING EQUIPMENT AND EDGE SWITCHING INSTALL AND WIRELESS ACCESS POINTS, in accordance with E-rate funding rules, including installation at multiple school sites throughout the District (“Project”) as further described in Attachment A to this RFP. The District intends to award this Project pursuant to Public Code section 20118.2.
The project herein is contingent upon the approval of funding from the Universal Service Fund’s Schools and Libraries Program, otherwise known as E‐rate. The District expects Service Providers to make themselves thoroughly familiar with any rules or regulations regarding the E-rate program.
Proposal Submittal. Please submit your sealed Proposal as in the RFP Schedule, to [email protected] Attn: Edwin Lee, Director of Technology. Firm shall be solely responsible for submitting its Proposals by the deadline. No late, corrected or resubmitted Proposals will be accepted after the deadline. Faxed, emailed and/or late Proposals will not be accepted or considered. No exceptions will be allowed.
All sealed Proposals must be received by Friday January, 27, 2023 no later than _4_:00 PM
RFP Schedule. The District shall follow this schedule for the review and selection process. The District reserves the right to modify this schedule at its sole discretion.
Release RFP |
December 15, 2022 |
Deadline for Questions |
4:00 PM December 28, 2022 |
Deadline for Answers |
December 29, 2022 |
Proposals Due |
4:00 PM – January 27, 2023 |
Questions. Questions regarding this RFP must submitted in writing to Edwin Lee at [email protected]. must be submitted in writing to no later than [4:00 PM December 28, 2022]. Firms must specify “RFP for Network Switches and Wireless Access points RFP#2022/23-005” in the subject line. Only questions submitted through this process will be accepted. All questions received will be posted at www.bassettusd.org/erate FIRMS WITH QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS ABOUT THIS RFP, THE CONTRACT, OR THE PROJECT SHOULD NOT CONTACT ANY DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE, BOARD MEMBER, CONSULTANT, OR EMPLOYEE.
Erate Year 25 (2022-2023)
The District is looking for a Service Provider to provide 10 Gbps speed that meets E-rate rules and guidelines for the District, with the option to increase to 20 Gbps as district needs evolve. Maintenance of any necessary Service Provider equipment shall be a part of the Service Provider’s responsibility. If there is a one-time connection or installation fee, list this fee separately. If there are functions, features, or services that are ineligible for E-rate funding that are offered as additional options, please provide a description of these features and services and the associated pricing separate from the eligible services. ALL services will be eligible for E-rate funding unless we are advised differently by the Service Provider.
Proposal Submission:
All prospective bidders wishing to provide a proposal for this project must submit their bid to District no later than December 22,2022 at 4:00:00pm Pacific Time. The deadline for all questions regarding this RFP will be November 18,2022 at 2:00:00pm.
Delivery Preferences:
1. Email: Edwin Lee [email protected]
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program - Enrichment - School Year 2022-2023
Grades TK – 5/6 (Elementary)
Grade 6 (Junior High)
RETURN PROPOSAL NO LATER THAN: Monday, October 17, 2022 at 4:00 PM
Bassett Unified School District
ATTN: Dr. Alejandro Alvarez
904 N. Willow Ave.
La Puente, CA 91746
Application received after this time will not be accepted.
October 17, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.
Superintendent’s Office
Attention: Dr. Alejandro Alvarez
904 N. Willow Ave.
La Puente, Ca. 91746
The Proposer hereby declares understanding, agreement and certification of compliance to provide the items and/or services, at the prices quoted, in accordance with all terms and conditions, requirements and specifications of the original Request for Proposal (RFP) and as modified by any addenda thereto.
This RFP does not commit the Bassett Unified School District to award a contract or pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this request. The District reserves the right to accept all or part of any Proposal or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP. The District further reserves the right to accept the Proposal(s) it considers to be in the best interest of the District.
1.1. The District invites qualified Providers to submit a Proposal (“Proposal”) related to its qualifications and ability to provide the Services as indicated herein.
1.2. The District intends to retain Provider(s) that have the background, strength, management and expertise who can provide the District’s Transitional Kindergarten (TK) to 6th grade students with extended learning programming during the 2022-2023 school year for up to 30 additional 9-hour days outside of the school year. The school year calendar for 2022-2023 can be found here:
Providers selected as a result of this process will provide the Services and work cooperatively with the District staff while providing the Services. The District reserves the right to award to multiple providers. Small providers who may be only able to do a shorter timeframe or smaller set of school sites are also encouraged to apply.
These enrichment programs/classes will be offered to District students throughout the 2022-2023 school year. These programs will take place on the District’s two elementary K-5, two elementary K-8 and one junior high site. The student-to-adult ratio for this program is 10:1 for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten and 20:1 for 1st through 6th grade students.
RFP 22/23-002 - Real Estate Brokerage and Marketing Services
Issued: July 26, 2022
Submittal Due Date: August 26, 2022
The Bassett Unified School District (“District”) is requesting submission of statements of qualifications and proposals (“RFQ/P”) from qualified real estate brokerage firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, persons, or professional organizations (“Broker(s)”) to submit qualifications and proposals (“Response”) to perform the “Services” as outlined in Section VI herein and further described in Exhibit B of Attachment 2.
The District owns approximately 4.5 acres of real property located at 1314 N. Leborgne St., in the City of La Puente, CA 91746 (“Property”), APN 8558-023-910, adjacent to Florence E. Flanner Elementary School, further depicted in Attachment 1 (attached hereto and incorporated by reference).
The District desires to enter a long-term ground lease with a developer lessee to develop the Property to best meet the District’s needs and the surrounding communities, while generating revenue to the District. The District is interested in creative uses of the Property, including to develop housing. The District is in need of a diligent broker with intimate knowledge of the relevant real estate market to aggressively market the Property to reputable developers with whom the District can negotiate and ultimately enter into a long-term ground lease to develop the Property. It should be assumed that any long-term ground lessee selected will need to obtain project development entitlements from the City of Baldwin Park.
“Broker” or “Firm” includes any companies (including partnerships, corporations, or sole proprietorships) that the Broker has acquired an ownership interest in (in whole or in part) or merged with during the past five (5) years.
RFP 22/23-001
After School Education and Safety Program (ASES)
After School Safety and Enrichment for Teen’s (ASSETS)
Issued: July 5, 2022
Submittal Due Date: July 19, 2022
The Bassett Unified School District is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to identify a qualified agency to provide implementation, with fidelity, of the specific certified assurances as stated in the ASES and ASSET Grant and to provide services to students at each of the schools named above for the 2022-2023 school year. Students participating in the after-school programs are involved in individual and small group tutorials, and it is the desire of the district that computer-based skills programs such as Lexia, I-Ready, NextGen Math, and Accelerated Reader, to name a few are provided within the program day. In addition, they are to be provided specific, standards-based activities focusing on academic enrichment and physical recreation. All programs shall be provided at no cost to the families of the Bassett Unified School District and each student is provided daily with supper and nutritious snacks. The ASES program currently serves an average of 480 students per day throughout the district and the ASSET program currently serves approximately 100 students per day at the high school.
RFP Release Date |
July 5, 2022 |
Proposal Due Date |
July 19, 2022 |
Proposal Evaluation Period |
July 20, 2022 – July 21, 2022 |
Board Presentations |
July 26, 2022 |
Award Notification |
July 27, 2022 |
Submission Requirements
To apply in response to this Request for Proposal (RFP), please mail or hand-deliver one (1) single-sided original and three (3) double-sided copies of your proposal by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 to: Proposals may be emailed to Dr. Alejandro Alvarez at [email protected] or dropped off at 904 N. Willow Ave., La Puente, Ca. 91746. RFP’s for ASES and ASSET should be submitted separately.
Bassett Unified School District Attention: Dr. Alejandro Alvarez
Superintendent’s Office
904 N. Willow Ave.
La Puente, CA. 91746
Responses must be received by the deadline to be considered. Responses not received by the deadline will be returned unopened to the proposer.
Any questions regarding this RFP must be in writing and submitted to Dr. Alejandro Alvarez, Superintendent, [email protected]. Subject of email should state “RFP 22/23-001 ASES/ASSETS.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bassett Unified School District, of Los Angeles County, California, (“District”), through its Governing Board will receive Statements of Qualifications and Proposals (“Responses”) for an award pertaining to Waste Management, Recycling & Disposal Services. The Waste Management, Recycling & Disposal Services award will consist of trash disposal services for various sites throughout the District, for an initial three (3) year term beginning in the 2022/2023 school year to 2024/25. Upon mutual agreement between the District and vendor, the award may be renewed for up to two (2) additional one-year increments (total of five (5) years from the District’s Board of Trustees award.
All Responses must be received by 1:00 p.m., PST May 16, 2022. Firms may submit their Responses through mail addressed to the Bassett Unified School District Purchasing Department, 904 N. Willow Ave., La Puente, CA 91746 or through electronic mail addressed to the District’s designated email address [email protected]. All Responses (whether sent by mail or through electronic mail) must be received by this date. If a Firm chooses to mail their Response, it is the Firm’s responsibility to ensure their Response is received by the District’s Purchasing Department PRIOR to the due date and time noted. Any Response that is received after the due date and time noted will be returned to the Firm unopened.
All Response shall be on the forms provided with the Request for Statements of Qualifications/Request for Proposals (“RFQP”). All Responses must conform and be responsive to all pertinent Contract Documents.
Job walk – Optional Job Walk. Any Contractor bidding on the Project who would like to visit the sites must setup a meeting with Elmer Gomez at [email protected] or contact by phone at (626) 931-3036. Visits must not be disruptive to the educational process. See attached Aerial Maps for specific site location included in the proposal packet.
The RFQP may be downloaded from the District website https://bit.ly/3LeMeEB Select RFQ # 21-22-FS-06. Waste Management Recycling & Disposal Services Proposal.
All questions must reference this RFQP number and sent via email to: Elizabeth Ruiz, Interim Buyer: [email protected]. Firms shall be subject to disqualification for contacting others inside the District for information regarding this RFQP.
Final date for all questions from Firms must be received via email by 4:00 p.m., PST Monday, May 9, 2022. Any inquiries received after the date and time noted will not receive a response.
QUALIFICATIONS: Firms submitting Responses to the RFQP should have had successful prior experience of at least five (5) years in providing refuse collection hauling and disposal service under contract with public agencies (with at least one being a school district) of similar-sized commercial operation.
The District reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals and/or waive any irregularity in any Proposal received. The District will evaluate proposals based on multiple criteria including but not limited to price. From the Proposals received from Firms, the District may, at its discretion, interview some or all the Firms. A selection may then be recommended for approval. Pursuant to Public Resource Code 40059; the District reserves the right to award the contract to other than the lowest priced Proposal.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ~Architectural Services for District
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ~Architectural Services for District construction, maintenance, repair or related projects as needed and to support the District’s Measure V and BB Bond Program
The Bassett Unified School District is requesting submission of statement of qualifications from qualified firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, persons, or professional organizations to perform Architectural Services for District construction, maintenance, repair or related projects as needed and to support the District’s Measure V and BB Bond Program.
Questions regarding this RFQ must be submitted in writing and directed only to Elizabeth Ruiz at [email protected] All questions must be submitted by 5:00 PM on March 18, 2022. The District may respond to questions presented via addenda to this RFQ. Firms are NOT to contact any other District personnel directly with inquiries regarding this RFQ.
Interested Firms are invited to submit a Response to the District via email in .pdf format to Elizabeth Ruiz at [email protected] in accordance with this RFQ no later than 5:00 PM on April 1, 2022.
Please find the RFQ form below.
Section 2.9 of the Request for Statement of Qualifications for Architectural Services (“RFQ”) states “Services Offered. Provide a comprehensive description of design services offered by the Firm. The description should include the following:” However, section 2.9 does not identify the criteria to follow. Could you please provide the criteria?
Firms should provide the following information as set forth in 2.9.1-2.9.3 below, in response to Section 2.9:
- The Firm’s philosophy and general approach in performing services for clients.
- How the Firm intends to work with the District’s administration officials to perform the Services.
- How the Firm will respond to the unique challenges of the District’s educational program requirements.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ~ Construction management Forms
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ~ Districtwide Ventilation/HVAC
- What is the estimated cost of this project?
- The District has not conducted any formal cost analysis, but believes the project may run somewhere around $7,000,000.00.
- The District has not conducted any formal cost analysis, but believes the project may run somewhere around $7,000,000.00.
- What type of license does this bid require?
- The District recommends B and/or C-20 license.
- The District recommends B and/or C-20 license.
- Will the District provide an inventory of the HVAC units in the district in each school?
- The District has a total of 242 units, please refer to Equipment Type and Tonnage.pdf document for detailed information.
- The District has a total of 242 units, please refer to Equipment Type and Tonnage.pdf document for detailed information.
- Will the District provide SCE Bills for each school?
- Six Edison consumption documents are attached for your review.
- Six Edison consumption documents are attached for your review.
- Will the District conduct a site walk for vendors prior to the RFQ/P due date?
- The District will not conduct any site walks.
- The District will not conduct any site walks.
- We have many projects completed under the AB4217 requirements. Do the energy performance contracting service projects need to have been completed in California, or may a mix of CA AB4217 and out-of-state EPC contracts be provided as a testament to our capabilities?
- The District will accept energy performance contracting service projects completed in California, and out-of-state EPC contracts also.
- The District will accept energy performance contracting service projects completed in California, and out-of-state EPC contracts also.
- We just want to clarify, the district has requested an electronic version of our response, would you prefer that to be delivered, by email or on a memory stick, with our (5) five bond hardcopies, and (1) one unbound copy?
- All proposals must be submitted to the District Office by December 20th at 4:00 p.m. and must to include one digital copy via flash drive and one hard copy, hand delivered or mailed. Email submittals will not be accepted. It is the proposer’s sole responsibility to ensure proper delivery and timely receipt of all proposals if submitted by mail.
- All proposals must be submitted to the District Office by December 20th at 4:00 p.m. and must to include one digital copy via flash drive and one hard copy, hand delivered or mailed. Email submittals will not be accepted. It is the proposer’s sole responsibility to ensure proper delivery and timely receipt of all proposals if submitted by mail.
- What is the square footage per site?
- Please refer to the Square Footage District wide.pdf document for details.
- Please refer to the Square Footage District wide.pdf document for details.
- Does the District have any PLA?
- Currently, the District does not have a Project Labor Agreement.
RFQ-P # 2021-FS-03 Districtwide Ventilation-HVAC Upgrade- Forms
Please find the RFP form below.