Immunizations & Screening
Special Information for Parents About the Measles
Regular Immunization Information
Kindergarten: An oral health exam by May 31.
First grade: By California State law, all children entering the first grade are required to have a certificate of a CHDP (Child Health & Disability Prevention) health examination on file at the school in which they enroll. The school nurse works to ensure compliance with the mandates, reviews each child’s status, collects data, and informs appropriate staff of any information relevant to the child’s learning experience. The appropriate form is available at your child’s school site.
(The CHDP finds health problems early, answers questions, and links people with treatment, education, and support services when needed. Both Medi-cal and non Medi-cal students are eligible to receive periodic preventive health services/health assessment. CHDP Program is a Service of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Clinics.)
Grades K, 1, 4, 7, and 10: Vision screening (provided at school).
Grades K, 2, 5, 8, and 10: Hearing screening (provided at school).
Grade 7 girls, grade 8 boys: Scoliosis screening (provided at school).
Tdap Information
Please consult the Welcome page (look in the navigation pane on the left) for information on the Tdap vaccine required for all incoming seventh graders.You will find it outlined in a red alert box at the bottom center of the page.
Please consult the Welcome page (look in the navigation pane on the left) for information on the Tdap vaccine required for all incoming seventh graders.You will find it outlined in a red alert box at the bottom center of the page.
Where to Go...
Screenings and vaccinations can be obtained from your family doctor, or any of the following clinics:
Screenings and vaccinations can be obtained from your family doctor, or any of the following clinics:
East Valley Health Center
West Covina, Ca.
(Medical and Dental Services)
626/919-5724 call for an appointment
Por favor llame para hacer cita
West Covina, Ca.
(Medical and Dental Services)
626/919-5724 call for an appointment
Por favor llame para hacer cita
El Monte Comprehensive
10953 Ramona Blvd.
420 S. Glendora Avenue
El Monte, Ca 91731
(Medical and Dental services)
1-800/3834600 call for appointment
Por favor llame para hacer cita
10953 Ramona Blvd.
420 S. Glendora Avenue
El Monte, Ca 91731
(Medical and Dental services)
1-800/3834600 call for appointment
Por favor llame para hacer cita
La Puente Health Center
15930 Central Avenue
La Puente, Ca.
626/968-3711 call for appointment
Por favor llame para hacer cita
15930 Central Avenue
La Puente, Ca.
626/968-3711 call for appointment
Por favor llame para hacer cita
Did You Know?
Head lice are small insects that do not have wings. They crawl very fast, but do not jump, swim, or fly. They live on the hair on the head and feed on the blood through the skin on the scalp. They lay eggs called ”nits” in the hair near the scalp and live for about 30 days. The nits hatch in 7 – 10 days.
Anyone can get lice. The primary way to spread lice is thru head to head contact; or sharing hair ties, headbands, hats, coats, scarves, brushes, combs, or helmets.
For more information about lice, click here.